Save Tigers Now! BAN Xiongsen Tiger and Bear Mountain Village

  • by: Vania Vasileva
  • recipient: Head of State Xi Jinping, The People's Republic of China

Within the last century, three subspecies of tigers — the Javan, Bali and Caspian — have been driven to extinction by humans. Currently, only six tiger subspecies remain on our planet, but all are in danger of becoming extinct.

There is a mere 3,200 tigers left in the wild! The majority of tigers in the world today are being held captive. They are being commercially used for their fur, claws, teeth and meat.

China and the United States hold the highest number of captive Tigers to date. We are facing a real threat of completely demolishing the tiger population.

The Xiongsen Tiger and Bear Mountain Village is the biggest Tiger and Bear 'farming' facility in China. Although China does have basic Animal preservation laws, they allow these types of farms for commercial use.

This farm sedates Tigers so that they can be displayed as a show-piece for tourists. Tigers are brutally murdered and skinned, some still alive. There have also been reports to show that this so called-farm has been slaughtering tigers for their bones.

These beautiful creatures are held captive their entire lives, many deprived and malnourished. There are 5 or 6 tigers placed in 1 cage and they are enclosed for most of the day with no sunlight or food.

It is time for us to take action before it is too late. Please stand with me in urging the People's Republic of China to completely Ban all forms of commercial farming of Tigers and to shut down the Xiongsen Tiger and Bear Mountain Village.

Update #210 years ago
Thank you for your signatures!

I am in contact with the Guilin Municipal Tourism Bureau and have requested a statement from them about the fact that they use tigers for various forms of tourism entertainment, specifically Xiongsen Farm

I have also contacted the State Council of the People's Republic of China to perform an official investigation into the tiger farming in the Guilin province

I plan to submit all of the materials including this petition to the State Council in January 2015

Update #110 years ago
Thank you to everyone for your support and dedication in signing this petition.

The goal is to reach 2 million signatures. Please share this petition with everyone you know. The more signatures we have, the bigger the impact we will have on forcing the Chinese government to take action immediately to make the change that is necessary to Save The Tigers!

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