Shine a Light on Drug Industry Influence

Note: We greatly appreciate international support, but US signatures only please! Only US signatures will influence congress in this matter.

Drug marketing is out of control. Help send a message to Congress.

Support the Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which will require drug companies to publicly report their gifts and payments to doctors.

Drug companies spend at least $25 billion each year marketing to doctors. We pay for that with every drug we buy. And studies prove that marketing causes doctors to prescribe higher-cost drugs. Some new drugs also have safety risks (like Vioxx). By increasing transparency, the Sunshine Act will help protect patients and help counter the skyrocketing costs of drugs.

Sign this petition today to ask your members of Congress to support these bills. Shine a light on undue influence by the drug industry.

(See letter link at left for petition text)

For more information on:
  • industry payments to doctors click here
  • the Sunshine Act House and Senate bills click here
  • the National Coalition for Appropriate Prescribing click here
We the undersigned support the Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which would require drug and medical device companies to publicly report their gifts and payments to doctors.

Drug companies alone spend at least $25 billion per year marketing to doctors. Not only are these costs passed on to consumers (that $25 billion is built in to the cost of every drug we buy) but published evidence clearly shows that marketing spending shifts doctors toward higher cost and sometimes less-safe drugs.

As consumers and taxpayers, we ask you to help pass this Act to protect patients and begin reigning in the skyrocketing costs of drugs.
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