A city is the last place where you would expect to find an elephant.
Elephants in Chiang Mai City are illegal according to Thai law. And yet, the last couple of months more and more baby elephants are walking around Chiang Mai city every night.
Sign this petition to demand for action to get elephants out of Chiang Mai City! Be part of a network of people that care about the plight of street begging elephants in Chiang Mai. Together we can make Chiang Mai City elephant free!Dear governor of Chiang Mai,
I respectfully request you to take action to ban the 'Street Begging Elephant' in Chiang Mai City.
A city is the last place where you would expect to find an elephant.
Their existence is often heartbreaking. They suffer both physically and mentally. I think most people agree that elephants do not belong in cities.
In the last couple of months more and more baby elephants are walking around Chiang Mai City every night. This gives visitors a negative image of such a beautiful city. Chiang Mai province has many beautiful places, where people can spend time with elephants in a natural setting.
I hope that the Chiang Mai government will follow Bangkok%u2019s efforts to create solutions for a better future for street begging elephants. Thai elephants are disappearing quickly, and they really do deserve our respect and protection.
Thank you so much for taking this problem seriously.
We the undersigned :
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