Stop The Greyhound Slaughter!
Show support for the process of adopting greyhounds when they retire and voice our objections to their needless slaughter.
FACT: Greyhound racing is not a regulated sport in that when greyhounds retire, the owners are free to do whatever they want with them.
FACT: The greyhound life expectancy is lower than any other breed, and not as a result of natural causes.
FACT: In the UK alone, 40,000 greyhounds are needlessly slaughtered every year.
FACT: These practices occur in Australia, Sweden, the USA, the UK, France, Germany, South Korea, Ireland, Spain, China and countless other countries aroud the world.
FACT: Puppies that are not good enough to race are mindlessly slaughtered before their first birthday.
Greyhound racing is carried out for the entertainment of millions all over the world. We marvel at the beautiful and yet powerful creatures when they race around a track, and yet they apparently have no real value to us.
We as a race should be looking after their welfare when they retire, as we do the elderly members amongst us. After retirement age, people tend to live quiet and happy lives, watching their families grow up and expand, but that is not the case with greyhounds.
When they have fulfilled their apparent duty, we dispose of them as if they were no more than household rubbish.
In others words, when they are no longer useful and cannot do something for us, we brutally slaughter them. At age four or five, many greyhounds are dead and the blood is on our hands.
After all, would you brutally murder your relatives when they pass retirement age and can no longer earn money?
No? Didn't think so, so why are we allowing this inhumane and unbelievably cruel practice to continue?
It is time to stop this mindless violence and give one of the most gentle and loving breeds on Earth a chance to live.
The aims of this cause are to highlight the plight of greyounds and encourage people to take them in as household pets.
We also want to join the fight to make the global voice heard so that the greyhund industry has no other choice but to regulate its practices.
Please add your signature today.
We, the undersigned, actively voice our objections to the lack of regulation in greyhound racing.
The amount of greyhounds slaughtered as a result is truly appaling and it is about time that this issue was sorted out once and for all.
Too long these poor creatures have suffered at our hands, so please take the time to read our objections and do what you can to help.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter and the petition.
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