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The MOTHERS ACT is a bill before Congress, already passed by the 110th House of Representatives with only 3 "no" votes, which sets up a nation-wide  "education" campaign to encourage "antidepressant" drugs and other psychiatric drugs to women who are expecting or have recently given birth.

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Over 9,000 individuals across the United States and around the world have signed this petition to stop The MOTHERS Act, a screening and treatment bill which will increase the number of pregnant and new mothers taking psychotropic drugs.

Organizations currently trying to stop The MOTHERS Act include:

ICFDA: International Coalition For Drug Awareness; The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights; ICSPP: International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology; NARPA: National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy; AHRP: The Alliance for Human Research Protection; COPES: Coalition Of Parents Enduring Suicide; The Elizabeth Torlakson Foundation; CHAADA: Children and Adults Against Drugging America; MADNAP: Mothers Against Drugging the Nursing And Pregnant; Consumer Wellness Center; Parents for a Label and Drug Free Education; Texans for a Safe Education; Whitaker Health Freedom Foundation; WoodyMatters; Supporters; Supporters; AbleChild; Green Body and Mind; LifeDynamics; Global Suckling Initiative; Supporters; The Wellness Institute

Please consider the following four points of contention with regard to this bill:

1) The MOTHERS Act will assuredly increase prescriptions for antidepressants for both postpartum and pregnant mothers. Based on the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Events Reporting System data, over the past four years the estimated number of antidepressant-caused infant deaths and injuries was as follows:

  • 4,360 babies born with serious or life-threatening birth defects
  • 4,160 babies born with potentially fatal heart defects or heart disease
  • 2,900 spontaneous abortions
  • 3,000 premature births

2) New Jersey's 2006 Postpartum Depression law requires medical providers to screen women for mental disorders. Under the impetus of this new law, some New Jersey women were forcibly taken to hospitals in police cars from their homes or doctor's offices for simply mentioning depressed feelings or calling the state's PPD hotline (See full text of the Star-Ledger article at

3) The namesake of the bill is Melanie Blocker Stokes, a mother who jumped to her death from the 12th story of a Chicago hotel at 3 � months postpartum, following months of treatment including four hospitalizations, at least four different drug cocktails, and electroshock therapy. Only after she was treated with drugs documented by the FDA to cause suicidal ideation did she jump out of that window.

4) Numerous victims have spoken out against this bill, including many who currently have pending lawsuits against drug companies for deaths and birth defects. In addition, there are literally thousands of antidepressant birth defects and suicide lawsuits pending. States are suing drug manufacturers for illegal marketing of psychotropic drugs, and the State of Alaska is being sued for drugging children in state care. If the Federal Government sponsors another drugging program, it is simply asking for lawsuits to be filed, as more mothers are injured and more babies killed.
What could possibly justify the risks that The MOTHERS Act poses to unborn babies and their mothers? Please speak out and ask the 111th Congress not to be the group to pass this bill to increase infant deaths via fatal birth defects and unwanted, drug-induced spontaneous abortions. Considering the many lives of helpless unborn babies at stake, we must all UNITE to kill this legislation.


Petition text (what you are signing):

We the undersigned protest any passage of any bill in the U.S. Congress to screen and promote psychiatric drugs to pregnant and new mothers, and particularly to H.R. 20 and S. 324, The MOTHERS Act. This bill endangers mothers and children and puts the public at risk.

For more information we urge you to read current research concerning the dangers of drugs for all people, especially unborn and newborn babies at There you can learn more about the FDA-confirmed doubling of suicides on antidepressant drugs as well as the tremendous risks for unborn children, including spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, preterm birth, serious and often fatal heart and lung disorders in newborns, SIDS, and numerous other effects including inducing violence against others.

Furthermore we urge you to conduct an investigation into antidepressant drugs and consider passing a ban on any future government-endorsed mental health screening or psychiatric drug promotion efforts, as well as banning government funding for development of new antidepressant drugs.

Thank you for putting the well being and safety of the American people above all else.
Over 9,000 individuals across the United States and around the world have signed this petition to stop The MOTHERS Act, a screening and treatment bill which will increase the number of pregnant and new mothers taking psychotropic drugs.

Organizations currently trying to stop The MOTHERS Act include:

ICFDA: International Coalition For Drug Awareness; The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights; ICSPP: International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology; NARPA: National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy; AHRP: The Alliance for Human Research Protection; COPES: Coalition Of Parents Enduring Suicide; The Elizabeth Torlakson Foundation; CHAADA: Children and Adults Against Drugging America; MADNAP: Mothers Against Drugging the Nursing And Pregnant; Consumer Wellness Center; Parents for a Label and Drug Free Education; Texans for a Safe Education; Whitaker Health Freedom Foundation; WoodyMatters; Supporters; Supporters; AbleChild; Green Body and Mind; LifeDynamics; Global Suckling Initiative; Supporters; The Wellness Institute

Please consider the following four points of contention with regard to this bill:

1) The MOTHERS Act will assuredly increase prescriptions for antidepressants for both postpartum and pregnant mothers. Based on the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Events Reporting System data, over the past four years the estimated number of antidepressant-caused infant deaths and injuries was as follows:

  • 4,360 babies born with serious or life-threatening birth defects
  • 4,160 babies born with potentially fatal heart defects or heart disease
  • 2,900 spontaneous abortions
  • 3,000 premature births

2) New Jersey's 2006 Postpartum Depression law requires medical providers to screen women for mental disorders. Under the impetus of this new law, some New Jersey women were forcibly taken to hospitals in police cars from their homes or doctor's offices for simply mentioning depressed feelings or calling the state's PPD hotline (See full text of the Star-Ledger article at

3) The namesake of the bill is Melanie Blocker Stokes, a mother who jumped to her death from the 12th story of a Chicago hotel at 3 � months postpartum, following months of treatment including four hospitalizations, at least four different drug cocktails, and electroshock therapy. Only after she was treated with drugs documented by the FDA to cause suicidal ideation did she jump out of that window.

4) Numerous victims have spoken out against this bill, including many who currently have pending lawsuits against drug companies for deaths and birth defects. In addition, there are literally thousands of antidepressant birth defects and suicide lawsuits pending. States are suing drug manufacturers for illegal marketing of psychotropic drugs, and the State of Alaska is being sued for drugging children in state care. If the Federal Government sponsors another drugging program, it is simply asking for lawsuits to be filed, as more mothers are injured and more babies killed.
What could possibly justify the risks that The MOTHERS Act poses to unborn babies and their mothers? Please speak out and ask the 111th Congress not to be the group to pass this bill to increase infant deaths via fatal birth defects and unwanted, drug-induced spontaneous abortions. Considering the many lives of helpless unborn babies at stake, we must all UNITE to kill this legislation.


Petition text (what you are signing):

We the undersigned protest any passage of any bill in the U.S. Congress to screen and promote psychiatric drugs to pregnant and new mothers, and particularly to H.R. 20 and S. 324, The MOTHERS Act. This bill endangers mothers and children and puts the public at risk.

For more information we urge you to read current research concerning the dangers of drugs for all people, especially unborn and newborn babies at There you can learn more about the FDA-confirmed doubling of suicides on antidepressant drugs as well as the tremendous risks for unborn children, including spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, preterm birth, serious and often fatal heart and lung disorders in newborns, SIDS, and numerous other effects including inducing violence against others.

Furthermore we urge you to conduct an investigation into antidepressant drugs and consider passing a ban on any future government-endorsed mental health screening or psychiatric drug promotion efforts, as well as banning government funding for development of new antidepressant drugs.

Thank you for putting the well being and safety of the American people above all else.
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