Stop Dehumanizing Transgender People
In a September 19, 2011 article about expanding passport gender options to include a third identity, the Daily Mail referred to "transgender people" in its headline. Placing the phrase in quotation marks negates the existence of an entire group of people.
Tell the Daily Mail to stop dehumanizing transgender people.
The article's author, James Slack, also referred to intersex people in quotes. To add further insult, the article also uses inappropriate, insensitive terms like "sex-swap" to describe transgender people.
Sign this petition to tell the Daily Mail that transgender and intersex people deserve to be treated just like any other group of people--with respect and without quotation marks.
We the undersigned ask the Daily Mail to refrain from using quotation marks when referring to transgender and intersex people. In James Slacks' September 19, 2011 article, the author refers to both groups of people by placing them in quotation marks, which suggests that neither are real. This dehumanizing practice was compounded by the use of inappropriate, insensitive terms like "sex-swap." We ask that the Daily Mail issue an apology for its dehumanizing reporting and that in the future, the publication will treat transgender and intersex people with respect and without quotation marks.
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