Say No to Child Sex Tourism in Morocco

In Morocco, children are trafficked and sexually abused by tourists.

What do we want?

  • We want to raise awareness of children's rights in Morocco.
  • We want to attract the proper tourism to Morocco.
Say NO to child sex tourism in Morocco.  Sign This Petition today.

SOS Morocco is a charitable organization that was founded to fight against Sex
Tourism in Morocco.

In Morocco, children are trafficked and sexually abused by tourists. After the devastating Tsunami in Asia, an emerging sex tourism industry involving children in Morocco has grown rapidly, and we want to put a stop to it.

What do we want?

  • We want to raise awareness of children's rights in Morocco through mobilization of international support and partnerships with active humanitarian organizations and civic groups.
  • We want to attract the proper tourism to Morocco, a magical country that spans from busy medieval cities to desert excursions, from relaxed beach towns to scenic mountain ranges.
Child Sex Tourism is a global issue. Every child has the right to grow up in an environment that provides care, respect and security.

Say NO to child sex tourism in Morocco. Tell the World. Help us make a difference.

Sign This Petition today.
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