Sign the Dog Breeding Establishment Bill NOW!

The Dog Breeding Establishment Bill was passed through the Irish government in July 2010.  Almost a year and a half on and it has still not been officially signed in by the Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan. This is totally unacceptable.                                                                           

Currently it is not illegal to have a puppy farm in Ireland.  It is therefore not surprising to learn that Ireland is officially the puppy farm capital of Europe. There are zero regulations to protect the health and well being of the dogs inside puppy farms.  Puppy farmers have free reign to breed as much as they want, keeping the dogs in despicable, filthy conditions, with no natural light, no fresh air, no veterinary care, no comforts, no stimulation, no companionship and no exercise.  Ireland's animal welfare laws are totally outdated.  We have waited long enough for some movement on these laws.  Minister Hogan, Sign the Dog Breeding Establishment Bill in TODAY!  Sign this petition and also email Minister Hogan on

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