Out of Control Overflights in our National Parks and Hawaii

We want to improve  the future.Stopping air tour over flights of Volcano National Park will help other parks regain their quiet.Our National Park system is suppose to be for the natural experience of a parkgoer,and to preserve wildlife with their habitats for future generations.Rocky Mountain National Park has a ban on air tour over flights.The U.S. government is suppose exist and act by the people and for the people.The people want to preserve our National Park treasurers.In 2004,there were 24,500 air tour flights over Volcano National Park alone.In the past two years there have been 26 aircraft incidents,including 15 deaths,in the State of Hawaii.This is outrageous.So are the Green Harvest operations that make you feel like you are in an airport runway. Also,Hawaii is the only place in the world that is the indigeneous home to the Hawaiian hawk and nene goose.We want to ban all overflights of Volcano National Park,connecting reserves,agricultural lands,schools,zoos and sacred sites in Puna and Volcano Hawaii.
We,the undersigned, are speaking to address the failure of Congress,the Federal Aviaition Administration,the National Park Service and others,from protecting the quiet of our National Parks and other important lands.Further,pilots already ignore exisitng laws,like altitude issues.These over flights are a safety,noise,trespassing and mental health issue,they disturb wildlife and livestock,they destroy the ability to enjoy privacy,quiet and property rights,they degrade the National Park zoos,schools and sacred sites.Our rights and the preservation of wildlife with their habitats ,can not be waived by economics via  commercial for-profit enterprises.First, We want all overflights(excluding military and rescue) banned over Volcano National Park,connecting Reserves,agricultural lands,zoos,schools,and sacred sites in Puna and Volcano,Hawaii.Second,that evidence for non-compliant pilots include,photos,videos and notarized statements of three or more people.Third,that air tour companies be responsible for their employees,the pilots.Fourth,that all air tour companies have a unique pattern and color scheme for better identification.Fifth,that aircraft numbers be placed on the bottom and sides of aircraft ,visible from 500'.Sixth,that Green Harvest operations in hawaii stop.
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