Repeal restrictions on breastfeeding

Should parental rights be restricted when no one is being harmed, when, in fact, the restriction itself may be harmful?breastfeeding in public is not obscene
As free residents and citizens of the United States, we find that it is unduly restricing a mother's right when they cannot nourish, comfort or otherwise protect their child. Not only is the mother's right restricted when they cannot do the above, it can also be harmful to the child. For many families, breastfeeding is a major part of parenting. WIth the passing of the act that restricts breastfeeding of children over the age of 2, rights are being restricted.

The fact that this act may have been implemented to prevent nudity, has many of us confused, since women who nurse their children do not do it for attention, nor do they generally find it necessary to show more skin than necessary, and most always less skin is shown while breastfeeding than when at the beach.  Even some very conservative religions indicate that breastfeeding is NOT to be equated with indecency. Instead, it is something that should be encouraged due to the numerous benefits to mother, child and society.

The fact that the City has determined that breastfeeding a toddler or preschooler is on the radar of nudity is something that needs to be changed. We respectfully ask that you reconsider your ban on nursing children over the age of 2 in your city. As individuals in, or around your city, or potential visitors to your city, we see this restriction as unnecessary (since breastfeeding is not nudity) and harmful, since there are numerous benefits to extended breastfeeding of children.
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