Recycling-Make it a Federal Law

Passing a federal law to make recycling mandatory is the first step to achieving zero waste and establishing a recycling based economy. To accomplish this, attitudes and beliefs need to shift from a linear to cyclical process. A recycling based economy ensures that resources remain sustainable, energy is efficiently used, and waste from one product becomes an input for another. To be successful in business, one must increase efficiency and minimize cost. To preserve our natural resources and protect life on this planet we must do the same. We can meet the needs of today without negatively affecting the needs of tomorrow. As Americans, we can no longer accept that the problem is out there and maintain a throw away attitude. Together we can improve the quality of life for all living creatures left on this planet, but it must begin with one law. Please support this effort to make recycling a federal law and help America become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

We the undersigned, believe passing a federal law to make recycling mandatory is the first step to achieving zero waste and establishing a recycling based economy. To accomplish this, attitudes and beliefs need to shift from a linear to cyclical process. A recycle-based economy ensures that resources remain sustainable, energy is efficiently used, and waste from one product becomes an input for another. To be successful in business, one must increase efficiency and minimize cost. To preserve our natural resources and protect life on this planet we must do the same. We can meet the needs of today without negatively affecting the needs of tomorrow. As Americans, we can no longer accept that the problem is out there and maintain a throw away attitude. Together we can improve the quality of life for all living creatures left on this planet, but it must begin with one law. The following citizens strongly urge you to present to Congress a bill for consideration to make recycling a federal law and help America become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Please join us in protecting the environment by giving this petition your full support and attention, and by urging your colleagues to support it as well.

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