Puerto Rico is planning another of their infamous "removals", this time of the cat colonies of Old San Juan. 
With animal rights organizations like Save a Gato dramatically decreasing the number of strays in the area, and vastly improving the lives and health of the strays that exist, the stray cat problem has diminished in the past few years. Even the most notorious colony area is down to less than 100 cats.

Instead of being grateful for the volunteer efforts of the citizens of this very community-based city the State Veterinarian Carlos Carazo Gilot, names these organizations "part of the problem" in the June 4th, 2008 edition of the San Juan Star, announcing it is his decision that the "removal" of these cats is legitimate due to the risk of public health problems, such as fleas, ticks, fungi and itch mites.
Unfortunately our government has managed to overlook the severe drug problem of our city, where Hepatitis is in epidemic proportions and people living on the street are stricken with severe infections and gangrene, and instead decided to blame their problems on a few cats that keep the city free of rats and other animals that cause actual health risks.
We the undersigned are appalled  of your recent decision to "remove" the cat colonies from Old San Juan. These cats are very much a part of our community, and keep other animals out (like rats and mice) that would cause a real health threat to our population.
Instead of disregarding the trap and release program of Save A Gato, please assist them in caring for these cats and having their numbers decrease a humane way, not just finding a reason to go on yet another killing spree.
We are disgusted with the processes our government is employing for animal issues. Killing everything you see is NOT the way to educate the people, and  will NOT be tolerated by the people of this fine city. We are not barbarians who choose massacres to solve our problems. Puerto Rican people are a wonderful, caring people who do not like to see our government act like animals themselves.
Please update your views on animal issues and choose other methods. We do not want to see you come into our town and mass murder the animals we greet every morning with food and love. 
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