False allegations with no recourse for the caller

There needs to be stricter laws before any other family has to go through embarrassment and grief of some sick individual who has too much time on there hands, doesn't like you for some reason, just to mean, and numerous other reasons decides to call or have a friend call CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES on you with FALSE REPORTS.  After the embarrassment you and your child goes through and the case is "UNFOUNDED" Child Protective Services protects this sick individual who slandered your name and embarrassed your child.  The laws that protect our children are the laws that are hurting our children by protecting these individuals who take upon their self to ruin your life. 
    (a)   There should be no ANONYMOUS phone calls. The person who                    makes the phone should give his/her information and should be                 checked out in the Child Protective Service (especially to see if this             person(s) has a history of reports or reporting of others).
    (b)   Give a legitimate contact number and call back to see if the caller                 answers (You can't even call in a food order for delivery without                 them calling back to make sure it was a legit order)
    (c)   Under no circumstances should a social worker be allowed to be                 unmonitored while talking to your child.  When I say monitor make             sure that someone is watching/observing the child and social                     worker.
Our Children are being hurt by these individuals and CPS is protecting the FALSE CALLERS with great respect that they have give them something to do that day harass an innocent parent(s), embarrass a child at school, and threaten the parents of their rights with no recourse for the caller who started the whole situation.  There needs to be stiffer penalties and jail time for those who make the allegations they need to quit hiding and be held accountable for the actions that is obviously a person who needs help maybe they have children CPS needs to see.
I hope you will sign my petition because I don't want this to happen to another family or child my false call could have caused another child to be harmed because CPS was on my case and not theirs.
Thank you for all your help and have a blessed day

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