Tell Biden: We Need A Law To Protect U.S. Workers From Workplace Bullying

Millions of American workers, reportedly 1 in 4, suffer from workplace bullying, an epidemic form of abuse which is directly linked to severe anxiety, depression, and debilitating physical harm. The vast majority of these targets are unprotected and have no legal recourse. For many, the only hope is to quit and face chronic unemployment.

The Biden administration must formulate uniform national legislation to protect Americans from this widely recognized form of workplace violence that costs employees, employers, and taxpayers billions each year in lost productivity, absenteeism, and health and social welfare costs.

Other industrialized countries have enacted workplace anti-bullying protections - some decades ago. American workers at least deserve the same level of protection as workers in Europe, Canada, Australia, etc.

Please show your support! Ask the U.S. Department of Labor to formulate and propose national legislation now to protect American workers from abusive workplaces.

"The mission of National Workplace Bullying Coalition is to eliminate bullying from the American workplace through education, conversation & legislation."

*This petition was written and conceived by Patricia Barnes and Beverly Peterson

Dear President Donald Trump: Millions of American workers, reportedly 1 in 4, suffer from workplace bullying, an epidemic form of abuse which is directly linked to severe anxiety, depression, and debilitating physical harm. The vast majority of these targets are unprotected and have no legal recourse. For many, the only hope is to quit and face chronic unemployment. We respectfully demand that you empanel a Task Force of union, business, and lay experts to recommend legislative and/or regulatory solutions to address this problem. Americans at least deserve the same level of civil and health/safety protection as workers in other industrialized countries, many of which acted more than decade ago to address workplace bullying. Thank you in advance for helping millions of American employees and their families who currently suffer with little or no recourse -- as a result of abusive workplace environments.

Update #53 years ago
The National Workplace Bullying Coalition introduces the Dignity At Work Act, the strongest proposed legislation aimed to prohibit the most known forms of bullying behavior to create safe work environments.

Learn more about the bill:
Update #48 years ago
Our Petition is growing and having an impact. Here’ another way to help. We are looking for 30 SURVIVAL STORIES to publish in our anthology book. If you have experienced workplace bullying, and implemented tools and resources that supported your journey, we want to hear your story. And don't worry, you can remain anonymous if you want to, or you can share your name and contact information, or anything in between. Just go to and click on "Submit Your Story"
Update #310 years ago
October is National Bullying Prevention Month and we need your help to reach 20,000 signatures to show legislators how important it is to continue to pass laws that prevent toxic work environments. For those of you who have already signed - we have a sister action #StopThatNow "take the pledge to be bully-free in the workplace" at Thank you! - NWBC
Update #210 years ago
Protect U.S. Workers has folded into the recently formed National Workplace Bullying Coalition (NWBC). As a result we successfully delivered this petition to the staff lead for the Congressional Anti-Bullying Caucus, founded and chaired by Congressman Mike Honda, at the conference NWBC hosted at Rutgers Law School; "Workplace Bullying: Seeking Solutions." Please ask your friends to sign to help show how vital it is to address this type of abuse on a national level.
Update #110 years ago
This Friday we will present this petition and the many tragic testimonies of workplace bullying it contains to the staff lead for the Congressional Anti-Bullying Caucus, which Congressman Mike Honda founded and chairs. Please ask your friends to sign and increase our signature numbers so we can show how vital it is to address this type of abuse on a national level.
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