Protect Marriage: One Man, One Woman

We believe that the institution of marriage should be preserved, protected and defended as the union of one man and one woman. We believe that preserving the traditional defintion of marriage is a legitimate state interest.We believe that marriage is for procreation and is the best forum for the rearing of children. We support the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
We the undersigned believe that the traditional defintion of marriage between one man and one woman should be protected. We support the Defense of Marriage Act, signed by President Clinton. We believe that the institution of the family is the bedrock of our society and that strong and healthy families of mothers and fathers and their children create strong and healthy societies. These societies together create a strong Nation. 
Same-sex marriage is a social experiment undermining the very foundation of our society. Please, stand with us to protect marriage. By doing so, you are protecting America itself. 
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