PG&E Should Be More Prepared...

  • by: Angie Green
  • recipient: Pacific Gas & Electric of Northern California
I am starting this petition to get the attention of the people in charge of electrical power line maintenance and repair at PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric). It is well known that it snows heavily this time of year every year in the Sierra Foothills of Northern California causing the trees to fall or have limbs break off and damage power lines. So why is it that we have to go without power for several days and NIGHTS because once again a tree has damaged the lines? PG&E know this is a possibility every winter. They need to be prepared by assessing the trees and power lines during the summer months to see which of them might cause problems when it snows. Sounds pretty obvious to me, instead during the summer months they ask us to do "rolling blackouts" to conserve power during peak times on hot days, please, I think we are doing our share of blackouts now! It is only November and we are on our second full day without power and in some cases without heat. It is going to be a long, cold winter if they don't get it together and find a way to prevent this from happening in the future (near future). It is 30 degrees here in Northern California and for alot of residents almost that cold inside their homes as well if their heat source requires electricity to operate. In my case we are using 12 volt car batteries and inverters to power a lamp, charge our cell phones and laptops as needed so we can at least keep up with the weather conditions and get updates from PG&E. The last update said the estimated time of repair is UNKNOWN. Our inverters are not powerful enough to operate a space heater so we do not have any heat. Their are alot of elderly residents in our community who do not have any source of backup for their power. The upper management of PG&E needs to be made aware of  how serious this really is for most of the people living under these conditions. It is not just another day at work for PG&E to find the problem, it is real life for many families who have to deal with trying to keep warm, cook meals and just basic everyday needs that require electricity. I understand that the daily PG&E workers who are out there trying to fix the problem are doing their best but if the management would do more to prevent these problems then of course everyone would be much better off. I am asking that you sign this petition and tell PG&E to take a good look at the real life families who have no choice but to deal with extreme cold and very dark winter days & nights due to the lack of planning on PG&E's part and please keep warm thoughts in your minds and much needed prayers in your hearts for all of us in the cold and dark. Thank you...
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