Bring College GameDay to the Monon Bell Game

As students, alumni, and friends of Wabash College and DePauw University know, the Monon Bell football game is a fantastic rivalry. A tradition with a long and storied history, we want ESPN's College GameDay to visit this year's game. This movement, a grassroots effort led by students at both colleges (see:, needs your support. Please sign our petition which we will deliver to ESPN.
We, the undersigned, believe that this year's 116th Monon Bell Game would be the perfect setting for ESPN's College GameDay. This game has all the ingredients of fantastic show - the sort of legendary stories that we've come to expect of all of the best college rivalries, a long and unique history, and the ability to ignite strong passions among the students, alumni, and friends of the two schools year after year. Your program would help this historic rivalry achieve some well-deserved exposure and would provide a fantastic backdrop for your broadcast. We thank you for considering our request and we look forward to working with you to make this a reality!
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