Mandatory Evacuation Enforcement for Hurricanes

WE, the undersigned, citizens of the United States of America, strongly demand that local, state and federal governments prone to landfalling hurricanes to develop a law for enforcement of Mandatory Evacuations orders.
This law will include:
 Complete 100% evacuation, total relocation of people in the path of Storm Surge, whether it be voluntary, or by means deemed necessary by local, state, and federal governments to fufill the mandatory evacuation order.
This includes but is not limited to:

Means of egress to anyone who wants or needs transportation, and shelter equipped with sufficient food, water, and security personnel.
This includes all citizens, minors, special needs residents, and those refusing to obey mandatory evacuation orders will be subject to physical reloaction to a shelter as stated above.
Meaning ALL individuals in the Coastal areas of a Mandatory Evacuation prone to Storm Surge of a forecast landfalling hurricane.
By signing this petition you are supporting it.

WE, the undersigned, citizens of the United States of America, strongly demand that local, state and federal governments prone to landfalling hurricanes to develop a law for enforcement of Mandatory Evacuations orders.
This law will include:
 Complete 100% evacuation, total relocation of people in the path of Storm Surge, whether it be voluntary, or by means deemed necessary by local, state, and federal governments to fufill the mandatory evacuation order.
This includes but is not limited to:

Means of egress to anyone who wants or needs transportation, and shelter equipped with sufficient food, water, and security personnel.
This includes all citizens, minors, special needs residents, and those refusing to obey mandatory evacuation orders will be subject to physical reloaction to a shelter as stated above.
Meaning ALL individuals in the Coastal areas of a Mandatory Evacuation prone to Storm Surge of a forecast landfalling hurricane.
By signing this petition you are supporting it.

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