Indie Smooth Jazz Belongs on TWC
This is a Petition for anyone who wants Indie Smooth Jazz to stay on The Weather Channel. They have featured artists like Jeanne Ricks, Jim Couchenour, Main Gazane, Patrick Yandall, James "PJ" Spraggins, Doug Markley, Jim Lum, Tony Davilio, Steve Gltozer, Scotty Ward, and many more Artists over the years. The Millions of Viewers who tune in to see The Local on 8's have grown from their childhood to their adulthood to love these artists day in and day out and as of the April 2009 playlist cannot listen to them because the new Local forecast music mix that have turned away these long time viewers from the Network they used to love. The Weather Channel please bring the Smooth Indie Jazz back to your fans to return the music back to what it normally was Smooth Jazz.
We The undersigned,
Many viewers of your network love smooth jazz and would love it to return to the Network but as of April 2009 the decision was made to mix music like rock, new age and dance into the network's monthly playlists. Since then many fans have expressed disbelief towards the change and would like a reversion back to the Smooth Indie Jazz Before the April 2009 Decision. Millions of fans should have a right in this decision to ensure that anyone who is a fan will feel they have had a say in this historic time in the network's run.
Thank you again The Weather Channel Companies for reading this and i hope you have a wonderful week ahead.
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