The World Don't Need A Bag

Only 1% of the 500 billion %u2013 1 trillion bags used worldwide each year are recycled, which means they're ending up in your rivers, streams, gardens, and food supplies. It also wastes the breath of countless people that give a damn because they have to say, "I don't need a bag," over and over and over again.

This is a petition to stop stores from using plastic bags. IDNAB will use this petition to convince stores that they should either not have plastic bags at all or that they should charge money for them to reduce their use by consumers. This will help save the environment and free up some space in the houses of millions of people (see my drawer to the left).

Your name is obviously required. So is an email. None of the information will be used in any way except to help the cause. That means I'm not going to email you and I'm not going to give your email to anyone.

Please leave a comment, which helps this petition by adding personality to the raw numbers.

Thank you for signing the petition and the next time you're in a store, remember to say, "IDNAB!"

Also, please share this with your friends by using the share buttons on the left. You can contact me at idontneedabag (at)
We the undersigned have had enough plastic bags. We've had enough of having to say, "I don't need a bag," when we buy one item. It's getting out of hand and the way we see it, there's a better way.

We, the people, believe that you, the store, can help us, help yourself, and help the environment. There are three ways you could go about this.

1. You could get rid of plastic bags in your store altogether. This is the best option. It will make your consumers bring their own bags. And it will show your competitors that when it comes to going green, you mean business.

2. You could charge customers for plastic bags or give them a discount for not taking plastic bags. This option isn't as good as the first one because, really, where's the motivation?

3. You could both charge customers for plastic bags and give them a discount for not using plastic bags. This option is in between the first and second options as long as you make a big deal about it.

We the undersigned thank everyone else for signing this petition because we're trying to change the world and we're pretty awesome for trying to do that. We also thank you for reading our letter and helping us change the world by changing your store.

We the undersigned, the customers, may always be right, but that implies that you, the store, are wrong and that is not the case here. In this case, we're all right, alright?
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