honey bees for women in Guatemala
about the needChildren living in indigenous communities in Guatemala have a 70% chance of suffering from malnutrition. The most readily accessible foods are extremely high in processed sugar. Therefore, many of these children are at high risk for diabetes and heart disease. HSP would like to give these marginalized indigenous communities better access to healthy, natural, local foods (such as honey) while at the same time, providing an indigenous woman with an employment opportunity. about this giftAs an organization dedicated to empowerment, this gift of honey bees will give an indigenous woman an opportunity to be the owner honey bee farm, improving the economy of her family; at the same time, she will produce and sell honey to better the health of her community. Most food products in the local stores are high in processed sugar and are causing many health problems to the locals; however, this new product of natural honey will give them a healthy alternative. about Highland Support ProjectThe Highland Support Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Richmond, Virginia. HSP serves the Mayan communities of Guatemala through transformational development projects and offers service-learning trips to North Americans in our ongoing mission to foster meaningful exchange and understanding across the Americas.
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