We the undersigned

Demand a child's voice be heard

Demand that a child's best interest and safety takes precedence over parental rights.

Demand an end to vilification and destroying of Protective Parents, (good non abusive parents who defend the child)..

Demand parents be allowed to protect their children

Demand a parent cannot lose custody for reporting child abuse

Demand no parent be forced to send that child to be with an abusive person.

Protect Protective Parents and their abused children

Child abuse is rampant around the world including in all 50 states.

Years ago a Richard Gardner, a psychologist who claims pedophilia is good and it is when people object to it that it hurts the children but not the pedophilia itself, began a theory called Parental Alienation Syndrome known commonly as PAS.. It has never been recognized by the American Psychiatric Society and several states refuse it to be used. but it is and has been used by many alleged perpetrators being charged with child abuse and by their defense attorneys.

Often when a parent is accused of abuse, that accused parent files for sole custody claiming that it is a custody dispute. PAS and that the child is being destroyed. These are two but not all the smokescreens abuser use to sift the emphasis away from their abusive actions. It is common today for abusive parents to change calling PAS simply parental alienation but it is the same theory.

The situation than becomes a so called battle of he said-she said. This takes the emphasis off the child abuse and shifts the focus, vilifying the protective parent.

Fact is way too often children are being forced to not only see their abusers but to live with them in unsupervised environment.

The protective parent is vilified and often loses partial and at times full custody and is ridiculed in court. There see many cases where the protective parent is destroyed.

Even in cases where the state's own Child Protection does a thorough job and investigates, finding abuse, the abuser is often given the child as the judge will dismiss the case.

Imagine being sexually molested at 3, you report it, but you are forced to have your arms torn from your good parent's leg as you are dragged screaming and sobbing not to go to your abuser. That is what is happening today in America.

Please sign my petition to end children being forced to be with their abusers, sign to end a protective parent from having to pay ten of thousands of dollar to protect the child and to lose the child, please sign for judges to not be allowed to tell a parent, GET OVER IT< THE CHILD IS SAFE ENOUGH<" or GET HER OUT OF MY COURTROOM or


Also please help us by going to and join us in gathering information about children who are hurt because of a failing system. I am working on getting information on all 50 states. With the information, I will petition the legislators to make and change laws to protect the children.

There are incest loopholes which need to stop.

Child abuse needs to be criminalized and not dismissed because the perpetrator is the parent. A child should have the right to not be raped. If a stranger raped a child, it would mean 25 years in prison but for a parent, it means give the parent the kids as the parent has rights.


When an accused retaliate with claiming to have been falsely accused and PAS than that should also be investigator but no judge should make a ruling of it without a trial where the accused child abuser has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the protective parent is guilty (this would be separate from the abuse case) and in the meantime the alleged accuser be given supervised visitation only. If it is determine the protective parent is not being vindictive than the alleged abuser be forbidden from using that tactic and the abuse case proceed without the disruption such allegation against the protective parent causes and the smokescreens the alleged accuser set up are destroyed so the truth can be found. A child's voice need to be allowed to speak.

Dear Congress

In Homes Today Across America Exists A Terror As      Evil As The Terror We Faced on 9-11.    We are calling for help, please answer!

September 11th is a date which Americans and most of the world solemnly remember. The fear, the tears and the pain of terrorism hit our hearts and souls as we watched the Twin Towers collapse, the Pentagon torn into, and the Pennsylvania flight 93 crash. We prayed, we cried and we were in disbelief.

Disbelief, yes, but soon reality sank in. The USA was attacked. Our great Nation possessed new fear. We were face to face with terrorism.  Every news station flashed the grisly scenes. Good and innocent people were killed. We as a nation were primarliy supportive when our President said we would be fighting a war against terrorism. We were proud and we united. We fought and are fighting.

We won some battles and sadly lost some. Still, the day September 11th, which so united Americans, is remembered. It will continue to be remembered. 

Today, in homes  across America lies an evil as bad or even worse than the evil we faced on 9/11. It is particularly evil because the victims, like those of 9/11, can do nothing to save themselves. The victims are helpless, they are silenced and their terror goes on. It does not stop. The very people entrusted to care for them are betraying them.

These victims are the children of abuse.  They are abused  in their own country, their own neighborhoods, their own homes.

Children are starved, beaten and molested every day in this country. We have children who are tortured, exploited and raped in what should be their safe place, their homes.

Child Abuse is TERRORISM.


Yes, we do have some systems in place to protect them, but they are rarely working. It is not just the children whose abuse goes overlooked and unreported that the system is not protecting. There are many cases where child abuse has been reported, but sadly the child protection agencies and/or the courts failed to protect the children.  As a result, further abuse and sometimes murder has happened.

There are other cases where parentally abused children have been placed with state assigned foster families, who also abused the children. In these cases the system failed by not following through with appropriate background checks, and frequent visits to the foster homes.

And equally devastating are the many more cases in which  parents are divorced or separated, and children disclose abuse by one parent to their other parent. When a protective parent follows the law and reports the abuse, they are often times put in very devastating situations. Many times the protective parent cannot protect the child,  law enforcement or the child protection agency may simply dismiss the reports without properly investigating, and  vilify the protective parent  for reporting their ex-spouse.  Too often a protective parents lose part if not all custodial rights and visitation with their children. In many cases the abusive parent has or is granted unsupervised custodial time with the child. This is an open invitation for abuse to continue.  The children's voices and the protective parents' voices are silenced by a court system that doesn't want to face the reality that the home can be the most dangerous place for many Americans. This is particularly seen in cases of parental sexual abuse.

In America, child incest victims are the only victims of sex crimes that are forced by court order to be with their molester. In some cases their molesters are granted full unsupervised custody. There are cases of state child protective agencies' investigation found the sexual  abuse reports to be truthful   but judges overruled them and granted the custody to the perpetrator.

Let us fight this war of terrorism in the homes. We might lose some battles but we will win the war. We must, the stakes are too high. We will be part of the solution.

To not be part of the solution is to be part of the problem.
Are you ready to be a true hero? A hero doing what is right for the right reasons.   A hero for the children with no voices, no  power and no money. 

We challenged and becken you to stand up for the weakest of society, the most needy, the children.  The children whose only defender is too often denied the very right to protect the child.  We are speaking about children abused everyday by their caregivers. 

Please we need to work together to protect the children.  Won't you be the hero the child so desperately need.  Please make laws to give parents the right to protect their children and to remove children from abusive home until the homes are safe for the children.  This is a national epidemics.  2000 a year are killed by their caregivers and so many more are missing or permanantly injured and many are sexually abused.  Please we need help as laws will not change until Congress admits a bill in to Congress and it is made into law.  Help us.   a chance.

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