End the sale of sharkfin soup in Western Australia

Sharks are the apex predators of the world's oceans, majestic and mysterious we often see them as creatures to be feared.
On average 5 people worldwide are killed by sharks annually, most attacks are believed to be a case of mistaken identity.
The practice of shark finning is brutal and cruel and is responsible for around 60-70 % of the estimated 70-100 million sharks being killed each year.
This rate of slaughter cannot be sustained and the collapse of shark populations is being witnessed globally.
It is up to the consumer then to reverse demand for shark fins, speaking to the owner or manager of a business that sells it, refusing to patronise the business and signing petitions like this one.
Thanks for your support.
To the Manager/Owner,
We the undersigned respectfully request that shark fin soup be removed from the menu of your restaurant.
While we acknowledge that shark fin soup is a traditional dish we feel that it drives and sustains the cruel practice of shark finning whereby sharks are caught, have their fins removed (often while still alive) and the body of the shark discarded.
It is estimated that between 70 and 100 million sharks are caught and killed each year, two-thirds soley for their fins.
At this rate many species of sharks are fast becoming threatened and endangered, our fear is that they will become extinct and the delicate balance of ocean ecosystems will be so affected as to be unable to support marine life essential to survival on our planet.
Please consider this request as we feel that until shark fin soup is removed from your menu we cannot patronise your business.
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