Ban The Slaughter of Horses in Canada

  • by: ISF_CANADA
  • recipient: Canada Slaughter Industry
How can we as Canadian's allow for this to happen? The USA banned the slaughter of horses for meat back in 2007, since then, Canada has quietly become a major international horse meat supplier, exporting close to 20,000 tonnes each year to Europe and Asia. Canadians consume another 300 tonnes of horse each year, mostly in Quebec.

These beautiful and majestic animals are often trailed to these "kill" auctions, where they will be crammed into small coralls, often with no food or water awaiting a shot to the head with a .22 rifle.

 In 2007, Canada slaughtered about 50,000 horses. Since then, the number of horses killed annually has nearly doubled to between 90,000 and 113,000 over the past three years.

We need to put a STOP to this!!! If the USA can do it, so can we!! Please sign this petition and let the Canadian Government know it's time to stop living in the dark ages and to STOP slaughtering horses!!

This is truely something that is dear and close to my heart as a horse lover all of life it makes me sick to think what they are going through.  No animal deserves to be treated this way, so please sign!
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