Aussie Clothing Co. Sexualising Children

  • by: Lisa
  • recipient: Cotton On

Join a campaign launched against Cotton On stores calling for a boycott for the Australian retail chain to remove their line of offensive baby and children's wear.

We believe that statements like "I'm bringing sexy back", "So hot right now", "Practice safe sucks", "I'm a tits man", "The condom broke", "I'm living proof my mum is easy" and "Mummy likes it on top" may be funny to adults but are completely inappropriate when associated with babies and children.

Sign this petition, letting Cotton On know that you will Cotton Off until they remove this clothing line.

The issue has had some great press coverage over the past week but we want to continue to keep the pressure on in order to provide
people with a greater understanding of the implications of dressing our nations babies and children in clothing like the items that Cotton On Kids
are currently selling.

If you want to know more about the topic on the sexualisation of children here are some links to some articles and research that we have found helpful:

Australian Medical Association. Body Image and Health.

The new American Psychological Association report on the sexualisation of girls

The Australia Institute - Research Papers

"Corporate Paedophilia" by Dr Emma Rush & "Letting Children Be Children" by Dr Emma Rush

Facebook: (you need a Facebook account for this)
We have started a Facebook Group -
Log on to Facebook and %u2018become a fan%u2019 of the Group/Campaign.

Links to Press Releases
Call for Boycott of Company Sexualising Babywear - Family First NZ 29 July 2009: Off Our Kids NCWNZ 29 July 2009: On Needs To %u2018Cotton On%u2019 %u2013 NCWNZ 28 July 2009: children's t-shirts cause alarm - TVNZ 26 July 2009: On's risque kids' T-shirt slogans under attack - Herald Sun Australia:,27574,25818079-36398,00.htmlSexy Aussie Baby Clothes Upset Kiwis 

Sexualisation of Children

We the undersigned, as consumers, wish to let you know that we will not be making any purchases from your stores, including Cotton On Stores, Cotton On Kids Stores and Cotton On Body Stores.

We are taking this action because we believe that your range of baby wear, which carry the following slogans: "I'm bringing sexy back", "So hot right now", "Practice safe suck", "I'm a tits man", "The condom broke", "I'm living proof my mum is easy" and "Mummy likes it on top" are completely inappropriate when associated with babies and children.

These slogans are part of an ongoing trend within the area of sexualisation of children.  Babies wearing clothing that display sexualised slogans can possibly impact siblings, or other children that read the slogans.  Premature sexualistion carries a wide range of risks for children that include compromised development of healthy body image and self esteem, eating disorders, compromised sexual and emotional development and the potential normalising and encouragement of paedophilic desire for children.

We believe as a company that Cotton On Group is not acting in a socially responsible way.  The Cotton On Group's marketing campaign is manipulative and abusive, and in no way seeks to support the consumer, or family in making healthy choices.

We shall be boycotting making purchases from your store for the foreseeable future.
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