Obama and Biden 2008: Experience and Change!

  • by: Obama-Biden 2008
  • recipient: Senator Barack Obama, Senator Joe Biden, and the People of America

Dear Senator Barack Obama, Senator Joe Biden, and the People of America

With our country's economy ailing, and the war in Iraq bringing increasing grief to the families at home, our country needs a new generation of leadership that will be able to put America back on its rightful path in the world. What our country truly needs right now is; Experience and Change.

Those qualities and goals are exactly what Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden have the capacity and will to do, as President and Vice President of the United States of America. Together, these two men would lead our country in the next eight years to unprecedented heights.

-         Senator Joe Biden has created a brilliant plan to lead our nation safely out of Iraq, without leaving chaos and wreckage behind. (http://www.planforiraq.com/)

-         Senator Obama and Senator Biden have developed a coherent and truly international plan of foreign policy for our nation: one of co-prosperity, cooperation, and agreement, based on years of experience, and a true desire for change in our country's position in the world and it's international relations from that of the past eight years.

-         Senator Obama is ready to unify America. As he himself has said 'There is not a White America, there is not a Black America, there is not an Asian America, there is not a Latino America, there is the United States of America!' Senator Obama's willingness to finally expand beyond partisan and racial boundaries is truly an embodiment of the American dream.

-         Senator Obama is ready to fix the ruin our nation has experienced in the past 8 years, through a new era of governmental openness and political integrity, economic prosperity, and focus on proper and thorough education, and people-based domestic policies. 

-         Senator Obama and Senator Biden have both developed a practical, economically-secure, and efficient energy plan that will finally lower our dependence on foreign oil, and help our nation begin to move to the alternatives of clean energy (http://biden.senate.gov/issues/environment.cfm)

Senator Barack Obama, and Senator Joe Biden, we, the undersigned, call upon you two to run together in the coming Presidential Election as President and Vice-President of the United States of America - together you two will bring about true change for the better in America, finally leading our nation away from the path of destruction and failure it has been so recently following.

People of America, share with us the call for Senator Obama and Senator Biden to together walk into the Oval Office. Together, they will truly begin to put America back on its feet and together, we, America as a whole, shall walk into the new age of peace, progress and prosperity together.

Senator Barack Obama, and Senator Joe Biden, we the undersigned, the people of America, call on you two to together lead our nation as our next President and Vice President of the United States!

Dear Senator Barack Obama, Senator Joe Biden, and the People of America

With our country's economy ailing, and the war in Iraq bringing increasing grief to the families at home, our country needs a new generation of leadership that will be able to put America back on its rightful path in the world. What our country truly needs right now is; Experience and Change.

Those qualities and goals are exactly what Senator Barack Obama and Senator Joe Biden have the capacity and will to do, as President and Vice President of the United States of America. Together, these two men would lead our country in the next eight years to unprecedented heights.

-         Senator Joe Biden has created a brilliant plan to lead our nation safely out of Iraq, without leaving chaos and wreckage behind. (http://www.planforiraq.com/)

-         Senator Obama and Senator Biden have developed a coherent and truly international plan of foreign policy for our nation: one of co-prosperity, cooperation, and agreement, based on years of experience, and a true desire for change in our country's position in the world and it's international relations from that of the past eight years.

-         Senator Obama is ready to unify America. As he himself has said 'There is not a White America, there is not a Black America, there is not an Asian America, there is not a Latino America, there is the United States of America!' Senator Obama's willingness to finally expand beyond partisan and racial boundaries is truly an embodiment of the American dream.

-         Senator Obama is ready to fix the ruin our nation has experienced in the past 8 years, through a new era of governmental openness and political integrity, economic prosperity, and focus on proper and thorough education, and people-based domestic policies. 

-         Senator Obama and Senator Biden have both developed a practical, economically-secure, and efficient energy plan that will finally lower our dependence on foreign oil, and help our nation begin to move to the alternatives of clean energy (http://biden.senate.gov/issues/environment.cfm)

Senator Barack Obama, and Senator Joe Biden, we, the undersigned, call upon you two to run together in the coming Presidential Election as President and Vice-President of the United States of America - together you two will bring about true change for the better in America, finally leading our nation away from the path of destruction and failure it has been so recently following.

People of America, share with us the call for Senator Obama and Senator Biden to together walk into the Oval Office. Together, they will truly begin to put America back on its feet and together, we, America as a whole, shall walk into the new age of peace, progress and prosperity together.

Senator Barack Obama, and Senator Joe Biden, we the undersigned, the people of America, call on you two to together lead our nation as our next President and Vice President of the United States!

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