Censure Rick Menchaca for Supporting Dog Hater Cop

According to Rick Menchaca's own rather startlingly self-congratulatory website, he's a man who "has his act together."  We agree only if that act is playing Lambchop to "Mayor Susan's" Shari Lewis.

While Rick Menchaca is new on the San Marcos scene, we assume he didn't leave his eyes and ears in Midland.  When he watched the video of Paul Stephens' detention of Michael Gonzalez on August 4, he was able to see and hear what Paul Stephens said to Mr. Gonzalez as the poor man's dog lay choking to death, having been denied veterinary care by Stephens.


Menchaca heard Stephens belittle Gonzalez for the love he felt for his dog, for his being a college student, and for being bipolar.  Menchaca saw the anguish on Gonzalez' face and heard the screams of young Krystal Hernandez as her precious dog, given to her as solace when her mother (she had already lost her father) died two years ago, lay gasping, dying in her arms.

Menchaca  knew what happened when he attended Mayor Susan Narvaiz' press conference and looked on approvingly as "Mayor Susan," as she has coyly named herself, added to the misery of Michael and Krystal by saying in no uncertain terms that no one was being fired, nor were they going to be disciplined further.  Mayor Susan went on to say that the problem was with the media and with the veterinarians who were too far away and that there was nothing much wrong with the way Stephens had handled the situation.

Menchaca's office contacted us regarding an email about the situation and during the call, the assistant explained Stephens actions with "You don't know what he's been through."  I said I didn't care, and I don't.  I suppose this was in reference to Stephens' war service.  Lots of men go to war and very few come back that much meaner than they went in.  And having been a veteran doesn't give anyone a license to kill.  Timothy McVeigh had a Bronze Star, if you will recall.

Our feeling is that if Stephens has been so damaged by life that he needs to inflict that sort of pain on others, while appearing to enjoy it, then he needs hospitalization or imprisonment, not a badge and a gun and a paycheck.  We also feel he's a ticking time bomb and that it is only a matter of time before he once again embarrasses the city and harms another human or animal.

So here's the petition:

We, the undersigned, as citizens who value both companion animals and the feelings of fellow human beings in distress, wish to censure you, Rick Menchaca,  for supporting the actions of San Marcos Police Officer Paul Stephens. 
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