Boycott Casey Anthony

  • by: Concerned Citizens
  • recipient: Deny Casey Marie Anthony the opportunity to benefit from Caylee's death

Despite a strong case presented by the State of FL, Casey Anthony was acquitted on July 5, 2011 of charges that arose from the death of her 2 year old daughter, Caylee. In the summer of 2008, after learning her granddaughter had been missing for 31 days,  Casey's mother reported Caylee's disappearance to the Orlando police department. Upon being questioned, Casey told her family, volunteers, and law enforcement that Caylee had been kidnapped by her nanny, Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. During the search, the police discovered that the majority of Casey's statements regarding her daughter's whereabouts were lies and was she prompty arrested. Caylee's body was later found in a swap and Casey admitted that she had been aware of her daughter's death since June 16, 2008. The trial, which began May 24, 2011, lasted 33 days and Casey was eventually found not guilty of  committing first degree murder, aggravated manslaughter of a child, or aggravated child abuse. She was, conversely, found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer and received a sentence of 1 year and assessed a $1000 fine per count. 

Although most people don't agree with the jury's decision, we as citizens of the United States must respect Casey's right to due process and regardless of opinion, we must also accept the verdict. That being said, however, we have the right to express our disapproval of said verdict by any means that don't directly or indirectly cause anyone physical harm. If you cringed when you heard "Not Guilty", take a stand and deny Casey Marie Anthony the opportunity to benefit from Caylee's death. Pledge to boycott any and all interviews, movies, magazine articles, television appearances, or book releases that would result in Casey Anthony receiving any form of financial gain. 

We the undersigned refuse to contribute to any financial gain made by Casey Anthony through the exploitation of Caylee Marie Anthony's death. This includes but is not limited to the boycott of any and all movies, interviews, television appearances, and books that would allow Casey Anthony to receive compensation. While we respect the constitution and her right to due process, we do not agree with the verdict and refuse to help her benefit from Caylee's demise.
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