The Conservative Government is going to neglect animal rights by effectively declaring that all animals have no emotions or feelings, including the ability to feel pain. While debating the Brexit bill, MPs voted not to transfer into UK law the parts of EU legislation which recognise animals have sentience, and can feel pain and emotions.
All that campaigning against the badger cull & Teresa May's attempt to bring back fox-hunting. Government begins to shape the EU Withdrawal Bill. Once the UK leaves the EU in 2019, it's not only badgers and foxes that will be threatened by this change in law, but all animals. So basically all animals that it will be profitable to exploit.
This vote comes in contrast to extensive scientific evidence that shows that other animals do have feelings and emotions, some even stronger than ours.
Politicians clearly think that they know better about animal brains than the majority of scientists.
This is how we have ended up in a society where a cat being thrown in a bin sparks national outrage, but the majority of the population will complain about this while eating a burger from the local fast food chain which has probably come from a chicken that suffered abuse its whole life.
"Animal welfare" in the Government's and the public's eyes is riddled with double standards. At the moment, 80 per cent of the UK's animal welfare legislation comes from the EU. If the Government doesn't believe that animals can even feel pain, surely none of their rights will be protected at all.
Where does this leave wild animals, those in labs, and those in other forms of captivity? Just a small example of this is cosmetics testing. Under EU law it is illegal to test on animals for cosmetics like body wash and nail varnish.
Voting the recognition of animal sentience out of UK legislation is a big issue, but it's barely been reported on in mainstream news outlets. As each EU law is put to the vote, how many will be scrapped without the public's knowledge. We are not being consulted about what laws are being changed.
In the next two years, the Government will make a multitude of changes in the hope that when 2019 comes, our laws will have altered so much that no amount of campaigning at that time will be able to overturn the decisions made. Campaigners will be forced to pick the one or two rights to get back, and everything else will go through unchallenged.
It will be too difficult to change every single law when it is implemented in 2019. It is not too difficult now to tackle each bad vote as it makes its way through Parliament.
In the next few months, MPs will be voting on the future of other animals. So let's challenge this appalling vote on animal feelings.
Animal Sentient
There is mounting scientific evidence to support that animals feel pain and suffer.
Dr. Bernard E. Rollin, Distinguished University Professor at Colorado State University, explains that:
The mechanisms responsible for pain behaviour are remarkably similar in all vertebrates.
While animals cannot verbally report their feelings as humans do, all other methods of studying human emotions can also be applied to animals. These measures have shown that many animals have "rich and deeply emotional lives".
While much attention is given to negative feelings such as stress and fear, animal welfare is also dependent on pleasurable emotions.
Play behaviour is widespread in mammals and many birds. Young calves often have playful fights and prance about, while young chickens jump around and flap their wings for fun. Animals also find pleasure in the search for and consumption of food, tactile interactions like grooming, and basic comforts like basking in the sun.
Today, millions of animals are denied the freedom to experience these pleasures because they are confined in cages, kept in isolation or crowded in sheds without access to a natural environment.
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