Save UK dolphins, porpoises and whales

If you had the power to save the lives of thousands of dolphins, porpoises and whales, you'd do it wouldn't you? If the answer is 'yes', please sign our pledge to help them.
Dolphins, porpoises and whales are suffering and dying right now in UK seas to put fish and shellfish on our plates. More than 1,000 die in fishing gear in UK seas every year. But we know the solutions. We CAN change this. We just need you on our side to help us persuade the UK and devolved governments to act.
Dolphins, porpoises and whales breathe air like you. Getting trapped in a net or rope below the surface is terrifying. They will thrash in panic as they try to reach the surface to take a breath. They suffer terribly before eventually running out of air and suffocating.
If this level of suffering was happening on land, it wouldn't be tolerated, but under the water and out of sight it has been allowed to continue without nearly enough effort to tackle it. Nobody wants to catch a dolphin, porpoise or whale in their fishing gear, and solutions exist. We need your help to get government action that will support fishers and save lives.
Pledge to help and we'll email you with a simple action to sign to tell your government that you expect them to step up to stop dolphins, porpoises and whales dying in fishing gear.
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