Nevada's energy future needs you!

Nevada's energy landscape is changing fast, and we need a better process to plan for the future.
Electricity powers our everyday lives. We depend on our electric utility company to provide affordable, reliable, and clean electricity to our homes and businesses. But the energy landscape is rapidly changing with significant increases in projected demand, frequent extreme weather events driven by a changing climate, and growing customer demand for cleaner power.
Unfortunately, one of the state's best tools to plan for and meet the demand for reliable, safe, and clean power - the Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process - is flawed and messy, leaving state regulators with limited options and not enough control over where our energy comes from or if it is the best choice for Nevadans.
Left unaddressed, it can lead to higher energy bills, worsening air quality, and hotter summers.
Meeting increased energy demand is one of Nevada's greatest challenges -- and opportunities.
Join WRA as we improve Nevada's clean energy future.
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