Tell Illinois Lawmakers to REJECT Misguided Insurance Bills

As you know, Illinois has a healthy, thriving auto and home insurance market, with over 200 companies competing to offer auto and home insurance statewide. This competition is why the state's insurance premiums are 18% lower than the national average and much lower than in other states. 

However, Illinois lawmakers are considering several pieces of legislation (SB268, HB1252/SB124, and HB3482/SB2412) that could make insurance more expensive for families and small businesses. In a time of rising costs, Illinois residents cannot afford to pay more!

We have seen similar bills being enacted in California, which resulted in increased insurance rates for their residents. This cannot happen to our state. 

We need your voice as these misguided bills move through the Legislature. Together, we can urge lawmakers to vote no. 

Tell Illinois Lawmakers to REJECT SB268, HB1252/SB124, and HB3482/SB2412.

Dear legislator, 

I'm writing to urge you to vote NO on SB268, HB1252/SB124, and HB3482/SB2412. As you know, the competitive insurance market in Illinois is the reason why our insurance premiums are 18% lower than the national average and smaller than other similarly sized states.

If passed, these misguided bills could completely upend our state's vibrant insurance marketplace and likely lead to higher costs and fewer coverage options for consumers like me. 

Illinois residents are already struggling with inflation and the increased cost of living. We cannot afford to have higher insurance rates!

When California adopted similar bills, the overregulation led to increased insurance rates for their residents. These policies could likely result in higher premiums, fewer options, and less coverage for consumers like me. I don't need higher insurance costs on top of everything else!

As your constituent, I strongly urge you to protect us and Vote NO on these misguided bills.


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