Help Us Save Our Public Water Supply and Bald Eagles by Protecting Boerne City Lake

Now is your chance to Save Boerne Lake from 360 KB homes Shoreline by 9/21/20.

3 easy steps:

1 – Go to

2 –#WQ0015787001,  click NEXT 

3 – Click I accept the privacy policy,  add info and comments.  TCEQ wants to know: 

- is this a good or bad site for a sewage plant, 

- has Kendall West Utilities been truthful to their customers

- does it minimize the public exposure to odor, possible contamination

Submit a comment before Monday, September 21. 

URGENT - We need your help now - $1, $5, $10 or more to help us Save Boerne Lake from being destroyed.  These funds are designated to cover our consulting fees for stormwater runoff, wildlife habitat and legal defense funds.  Please consider donating!  thank you!

Donation Link -


Mail Check Payable to:
Boerne Sustainable Development Coalition

c/o Paula Beaton

118 Lake Front Dr

Boerne TX 78006

All contributions are tax deductible through our 501c3.



A developer named KB Homes Lone Star plans to create a subdivision called Shoreline Park on a 90 acre piece of land on the south shore of Boerne City Lake accessed from Ranger Creek Road. The developer plans to build 360 homes on this 90 acre site in addition to roads and a park along the lake shore.


  • Boerne City Lake is a major source of the city's drinking water. This is why boats with gas engines are not allowed on the lake.
  • More than 50% of the subdivision land slopes into Boerne City Lake and the inevitable rain runoff will cause dangerous pollutants (pesticides, fertilizers, oils, pet excrement) to enter our drinking water.
  • The lake is also used for "contact recreation" - swimming, paddle-boarding, canoeing, fishing and kayaking.  Pollutants from the development will make people sick. 
  • Boerne City Lake, Upper Cibolo Creek are protected watersheds. The surrounding land is a natural habitat for the our own American Bald Eagle and other known endangered species, like the Golden Cheeked Warbler. Their habitat and water will be destroyed.
  • Any breaches, leaks or spills at the planned sewage storage tank will flow directly into Boerne City Lake. 
  • The potential for disastrous contamination is unacceptably high.
  • No traffic plan is included for the additional 750+ people on Ranger Creek Road.
  • Water will be provided by Kendall West Utilities via GBRA (Canyon Lake)
  • Without city annexation, the new HOA will be responsible for scraping out the toxic sludge in its 7 bioretention/bioswale ponds.

Boerne's PRO-DEVELOPMENT, FULL SPEED AHEAD, BOERNE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS stance needs to adjust. Protect our water and stand up to the corporations that put profits before the citizens.

By signing this petition, you are asking the Boerne City Council and the Kendall County Commissioners to protect Boerne City Lake and the Upper Cibolo Creek from the negative impacts of irresponsible development.  Demand that Upper Cibolo Creek Watershed is SAVED!

Update (3/2019):  We have engaged multiple state officials as well as other environmental government agencies to help us limit the high density that is planned for the lake and protect our water.  

No matter what engineering stop gaps they are planning for  storm water runoff, ANY one of our yearly rain events will quickly overwhelm their token gestures and fill our beautiful lake with all of the pesticides, fertilizer and pet excrement.  This will all drain into our public water supply. 

Since this land is in an ETJ, KB Lone Star has filled in all the blanks and has the RIGHT to build as much as they want on this property.  However, their "RIGHT" to do so DOES NOT make it "RIGHT".  They will cheerfully destroy this treasured resource, call it good business, bank the bucks and move-on while setting a precedent for BIG DEVELOPMENT over a protected watershed.

Cities have rights to protect their watershed!  (Attorney General Opinion - but not a law yet.)

If new homes must be developed here, DEMAND that the lot sizes are changed to Estate Sized Lots and not Residential Lots, do not remove protective barrier vegetation, 100+ year- old oaks, as well as create a substantial buffer zone between the homes and Boerne City Lake.

Demand that the USDA has evaluated the new development has not added more pressure to the earthen Boerne City Dam which is classified a HIGH HAZARD dam. This dam has breached twice in the last 20 years.  Another breach with more water headed its way after a rain could be disastrous for the downstream citizens of the City of Boerne.

Please click on link on the Google form (below) to provide your email - we will need you to  help us notify officials of this disaster.

THIS IS OUR ALAMO... we all know how that turned out, but the founders did not have as many angry reinforcements through this petition and social media. It is an entirely different battlefield now. Make your voice be heard.

Thank you

Donations are accepted to help us pay for stormwater engineers, advertising and protection of the wildlife habitat around our beautiful lake. ANY donation amount is greatly appreciated!

Update #54 years ago
This will not take any more than 2 minutes to complete and it is greatly appreciated and needed.

STEP 1 – Go to
STEP 2 – Enter WQ0015787001 into the permit # box and click next
STEP 3 – Click I accept the privacy policy and enter your information, then add your own comments, but ensure part of your comments say "I request a public hearing and I request a contested case hearing."

Update #47 years ago
We are closing in on 1000! Thank you!

Make sure you share this petition with others by email, social media and any other means.

Signatures are accounted for by each email, not household.

We have been heard and will be meeting with officials after spring break again. Thank you.
Update #37 years ago
Thank you for all your support! We are sharing with local, county and state officials to encourage responsible development. We are 300 signatures short of making 1000. Let our voices be heard. And as a reminder, you can share this petition through group pages, Facebook personal pages, email and twitter. We are almost there! Thank you.!
Update #27 years ago
Link to the Joe Bergmann interview:

Update #17 years ago
Sewage Numbers:
80 gallons/day/person (US average)
3 people/house
360 homes

80 X 3 X 360 = 86,400 gallons

11,600 gallons large semi-tanker truck

86,400/11,600 = 7.45 truckloads per day

(Note: This assumes that all effluent will be transported by truck. There is unofficial information indicating that the sewage will be separated into liquids and solids, with the liquids being piped to Tapatio Springs to be sprayed on the golf course and the solids transported by truck. )

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