• by: Sergey Baranov
  • recipient: Government and law enforcement agencies.

This petition has the purpose of connecting people who have invested in HyperFund/HyperVerse/HyperNation/HyperCosmos to demonstrate the magnitude of the suspected fraud perpetrated as well as to provide these investors with valid links to report such fraud whether anonymously or not.

We are international investors who were promised a 300% return on our investment within 20 months after making our deposits, which later changed to 400% by migrating our digital assets from Hyperfund to Hyperverse, and later to Hypernation, but we have not been able to make withdrawals since April of 2022. 

We suspect a massive fraud of billions of dollars, and we hereby request a formal investigation into HyperTech Group of Companies and their entities, namely; HyperCapital, HyperFund/HyperVerse/HyperNation, HyperCosmos, including the CEO and founder Zijing Xu, a.k.a Ryan Xu, Sam Lee (who is willing to cooperate with the authorities), the HyperTech Chairman and founder of Blockchain Global Based in Australia, by government agencies of the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Hong Kong, Singapore, India.

Leading MLM promotor such as Keith Williams, Kalpesh Patel, Brenda Chunga a.k.a Bitcoin Beautee, Ronae Jull a.k.a. Hope Hill, former Compliance Officer, Executives Jayden Wei, Steven Reece Lewis might provide testimonies on what occurred.

Whether you have signed the petition or not, please note that you may also submit an individual complaint to government agencies for their further investigation. Below are a few links for making such a complaint.

We believe that the more attention is brought to this matter, via media outlets and complaints received, the more likely something will be done to amend the wrongs caused by the financial enteties and people mentioned above. 

This Petition may give a rise to a class-action lawsuit.

Watch Sam Lee agrees to cooperate with authorities and sign this Petition to Investigate HyperFund/HyperVerse.


Do NOT wait until we take action! You can contact the authorities at any time to request an investigation and reclaim your hard-earned money which was stolen from you through fraud.

Submit your complaints here:

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Federal Trade Commission

Federal Bureau of Investigation

National Security Agency Office of the Inspector General

U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

U.S. Department of Justice

Links outside of U.S.A

The following Facebook page and Telegram group were created with the purpose of uniting investors and providing details and updates. 



Update #59 months ago
An important update from my correspondence with the Department of Justice:
To all defrauded investors, contact this email with your claim, and supportive documentation, back office screenshots, wire confirmation, etc., or any other evidence of wired funds to the Hyperscam, to assist in the investigation, prosecution, and hopefully the return of the stolen funds:

Jail the scammers, and seize their assets to pay defrauded investors.
Update #411 months ago
Finally, the SEC filed a fraud complaint against Sam Lee and Brenda Chunga. Surprisingly, the mastermind of this fraud Ryan Xu is not on the complaint. At the end of the SEC's complaint, there is contact info for investigating agents. Please contact them and share your story. I hope felony charges will follow this suit and we will be able to recover our stolen investment.

Click on SEC complaint at the top right corner and scroll down.
Update #311 months ago
Everything we were told about the HyperFund/HyperVerse was a lie. We want the founders of this Ponzi scheme arrested, criminally charged with fraud, and their assets seized to pay defrauded investors.
Update #21 years ago
According to Sam Lee, there are two million people invested in HyperScam. We must find and unite them. Take this petition and post it all over social media, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and most importantly, YouTube, where these scammers continue to promote this Ponzi and recruit new victims. Leave a comment under each promotional video with a link to it. Reach out to government and law enforcement agencies provided in the petition. A class action is next.
Update #11 years ago
Hello Everyone!

Although we have all lost our money, a greater loss is a loss of dignity, it's when you get scammed and you just swallow it without fighting back. We are fighting back and will not stop until we get this resolved. These scammers must be brought to justice, their assets seized and sold to pay defrauded investors, and we are doing what we can to make this happen.

Join our Telegram and Facebook pages for more info. Links in the petition.
You can reach me at
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