Laredo Animal Care Services in Texas needs our help TODAY to save 4,000 animals.

Eight thousand animals enter Laredo Animal Care Services (LACS) every year—but just half make it out of this shelter alive.
The situation is beyond urgent!
LACS wants to do more for the animals. They asked for our help, and we did not hesitate to say YES.
Isolated shelters like Laredo don't have access to the best networking opportunities, so we want to remove the barriers to saving lives.
Austin Pets Alive! is in Laredo NOW giving LACS the tools and support to become a modern, humane, effective model of animal services—while developing a replicable guide to lifesaving that can be used in any community.
We've done it before. When 85% of the 35,000 animals in the Austin city shelter were dying, we said NO MORE—and transformed Austin into the safest city in the whole country for pets.
With your support, Laredo Animal Care Services can save 90% of animals. LACS is poised to become one of the best animal shelters in Texas—and serve as proof that with support, a roadmap, and the will to do it, any shelter can become a model of lifesaving.
This change won't happen without you. The animals can't wait and neither can we!
Sign up to support our lifesaving partnership with Laredo Animal Care Services, and help us save lives in Texas and beyond!
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