Before we can only find them in museums - help save marine species by supporting the Marine Action Plan!

The lives of our marine animals continue to be endangered by lethal vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing gear, and their health is declining because of chemical pollution, dwindling food sources, and high levels of underwater noise from our ocean industries.
Canada can continue to make a difference for our endangered whales like the North Atlantic Right Whale, but only if their protection remains a high priority.
We are asking the federal government to recommit to and increase investment in the programs needed to protect marine mammals in Canada. Knowing where whales are, how they behave, and where they might go as our oceans change in the future is critical to eliminating the threats they face from human activities. Canada must improve surveillance and monitoring for whales in our oceans and it must invest in research and actions to stop unintentional harm to all marine mammals.
Sign the petition and tell Canadian lawmakers to support our efforts to ensure safer waterways for whales and all marine species!
Dear Ministers of Transport Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
I support the Canadian Wildlife Federation's 2021 Marine Action Plan that includes a call to:
Recommit to and increase investment in the programs needed to protect marine mammals in Canada. Knowing where whales are, how they behave, and where they might go as our oceans change in the future, is critical to eliminating the threats they face from human activities. Canada must improve surveillance and monitoring for whales in our oceans and invest in research and actions to stop unintentional harm to all marine mammals.
[your comments here]
With this further commitment and approach, Canada will be a leader in safe ocean practices. It is critical to the survival of our marine species and their habitats.
[your name]
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