Take the Pledge to Speak Up for Horses

Samson and his small herd of eight horses wasted away in plain sight for months, with almost no food, next to a heavily used country road, easily visible to every car and truck that drove by, yet no one bothered to call law enforcement. Samson suffered the most, trapped in a 12 foot by 12 foot pen for over a year. They saw what was happening, particularly those commuters that drove by every day, but it was only after one of the bone thin horses slumped against the fence and took his last breath that one person finally called the police. Within hours, Habitat for Horses and law enforcement arrived to take the remaining horses to safety.
We gave Samson his name as a silent promise that we would help him regain his strength and majesty. After lots of love, care and time, he will never be forgotten again.
Too many equine are forgotten by people who should care – even when the signs of injury and neglect are obvious. Horses go hungry, they get overworked, become ill and are left to die. We know that it's so much easier to ignore things, but when an animal is suffering, when a horse is literally starving to death, real horse people get involved.
That's why we're asking you to make a commitment to act immediately when you see an animal suffering by contacting law enforcement. Their life depends on you.
If you're a true horse lover, please commit to acting on the cruelty and stopping it. You can save a suffering horse.
Sign this action if you will commit to saving a horse's life by calling law enforcement when you see cruelty.
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