The science of climate change is under attack. No surprise; this White House is attacking so many democratic norms and ongoing crises. Climate Change is among the worst cases. The Trump administration is gutting environmental regulations that protect the public. Trump has made us the only country in the world to oppose the Paris Climate Agreement. Trump wants to darken the skies again with coal emissions. And right now, he's creating a bogus White House Climate Commission that is going to take us backward. Progressive journalism is needed now more than ever to keep climate change in the public eye.
ThinkProgress has a dedicated team of reporters and editors called ClimateProgress which produces environmental stories daily. It is a watch dog in the face of a dire threat described by Natural Resources Defense Council's International Director Jake Schmidt who said, "President Trump is doing everything possible to undercut U.S. domestic and international climate action."
Along with Climate denial, the Trump Administration is attacking women's rights, voting rights, immigrants, people of color and even athletes exercising free speech. Oh, let's also not forget his calling the press "the enemy of the people." That's why it's so critical to have independent, nonprofit journalists reporting on and analyzing climate science and so many other threats to our democracy.
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