Stop the Assault on the Endangered Species Act
- by: WWF
- recipient: Secretary Ryan Zinke, United States Secretary of the Interior
For 45 years the Endangered Species Act has done exactly what it set out to do — protect our nation's most vulnerable wildlife. The law has been so successful that 99% of species under its jurisdiction are still with us today. The black-footed ferret, grizzly bear, bald eagle, southern sea otter, and humpback whale are just some of the species that may not be here today without the Endangered Species Act.
And now this extremely popular, extremely effective law is under attack. The Trump administration has proposed several changes to how the law is implemented. These changes would gut vital protections for threatened wildlife populations, drastically reduce the role of science in future decision making, and allow politics and profits to dictate how, when, and where the law is implemented. We can't let that happen.
We have one chance to make our voices heard and stand up for the Endangered Species Act. The US Fish and Wildlife Service is currently taking public comments on the proposed regulatory changes to the Endangered Species Act. We need you - and everyone who cares about the future of America's wildlife - to speak up and oppose these changes and urge the government to keep preserving and protecting our nation's precious wildlife.
Take action now. Tell Interior Secretary Zinke that the Endangered Species Act must stay intact and that you oppose this assault.
Dear Secretary Zinke:
I support maintaining the full extent of the Endangered Species Act protections and oppose the regulatory changes proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on July 25. Specifically, I oppose:
o stripping protections from threatened species
o crippling the ability to designate critical habitat
o decreasing science-based decision-making while increasing political and economic influence over ESA implementation
o minimizing the need for interagency consultation and providing deference on ESA implementation to government agencies with no expertise in species conservation
Please maintain the much-needed protections provided by the ESA and its current implementing regulations and halt this Administration's efforts to undermine what has been one of the world's most effective laws for protecting wildlife.
The Endangered Species Act has provided needed protections to wildlife in danger for well over 40 years, preventing the extinction of 99% of listed species. Please allow it to continue working to protect our wildlife.
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