Demand Dow AgroSciences Immediately Release 36 Beagles

Over 60,000 dogs are used in toxicity tests and research every year in the United States. One of our undercover investigators recently captured multiple studies, including a one-year pesticide test on 36 beagles contracted by Dow AgroSciences at a Michigan lab.
This cruel and unnecessary testing includes the force-feeding of pesticides to the dogs, who are otherwise held in practically barren cages. There is no way out for dogs like these. The dogs who don't die from the poison throughout the tests are scheduled to be euthanized in early July.
These dogs used for testing often come from large, USDA-licensed breeding facilities. Dogs, who are known for their kind and loyal nature, are often used in these tests because they are easier to manipulate and less apt to fight back. Often, dogs are cooperative test subjects because the only attention and interaction they get are when they're being experimented on.
Tragically, this suffering is all too common and most dogs die in the laboratory. But, there is hope for these 36 dogs and we have to act fast. Their time is running out!
Please sign the petition and demand that Dow AgroSciences immediately halt the tests and release the 36 dogs to the Humane Society of the United States.
Dear Dow AgroSciences,
Please stop the one-year pesticide test being conducted to sell your products in Brazil and release the 36 beagles now. These trusting and loyal dogs deserve better than pain-filled lives in cold, hard cages.
This one-year test on dogs has proven to be scientifically unnecessary and Brazil has provided assurance in writing that this testing is unnecessary. It's not too late to stop this and help these dogs. They can be rehabilitated and have an actual chance at a happy life. Please make the compassionate choice and stop the tests and release the dogs to the Humane Society of the United States.
Thank you.
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