Ban the use of Neonics in Canada

Neonicotinoids or "neonics" are a group of insecticides that are chemically related to nicotine. In Canada, five of these insecticides are approved for use on many of our foods, including corn, soy, peas, beans, fruits, and vegetables. They are applied to the plant as seed coatings, soil solutions, or as sprays on the leaves and stems. They remain active in the plant for many months and in the soil for several years.
Neonics are now the most widely used insecticides in the world with global sales estimated to be over US $2.6 billion dollars. Hundreds of studies show that the use of neonics cause pollinators, like bees, significant harm. It affects their ability to navigate, learn, collect food, and reproduce. On top of damaging effects like habitat loss, disease and climate change, neonics are a major threat for our disappearing wild pollinators.
Sign this petition to urge the Government of Canada to continue to address this issue and ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides and invest in alternatives.
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