Repeal Breed Specific Legislation In Ontario

Beans — and thousands of loving dogs just like him — have been removed from Ontario or euthanized because of our province's Breed Specific Legislation (BSL).
In 2005, in response to a series of high-profile media stories, Ontario introduced BSL. The legislation outlaws pit bull/American pit bull terriers, Staffordshire/American Staffordshire bull terriers and all dogs that look like them.
However, in reality BSL is not an effective or cost-efficient solution to reducing aggressive behaviour in dogs. In fact, after 10 years of BSL being in effect in Ontario, statistics show that the number of dog bites has actually increased.
The solution to preventing dog-related incidents is best addressed through comprehensive training and education programs, breed neutral legislation, and promoting responsible ownership.
That's why the Toronto Humane Society is calling on the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to support a bill repealing Breed Specific Language from the Dog Owner's Liability Act and Animals for Research Act and instead implement a comprehensive educational prevention strategy. Will you join us?
Sign the petition today to end BSL in Ontario and encourage responsible dog ownership of all breeds.
TO the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
WHEREAS, All animals are capable of aggressive; behaviour;
AND Aggressive behavior can be found among many breeds or crossbreeds of dogs;
AND Evidence shows that DNA is never a predictor of aggressive behaviour in dogs;
AND Breed Specific Legislation (the banning of specific breeds) is not an effective or cost-efficient solution to reduce aggressive behaviour of dogs;
AND The solution to preventing dog related incidents is best addressed through comprehensive training and education programs, breed neutral legislation promoting responsible ownership.
WE the undersigned , Petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to support a bill repealing breed specific language from the dog Owner's Liability Act and Animals for Research Act and instead implement a comprehensive educational prevention strategy that encourages responsible dog ownership of all breeds.
[Your Name]
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