Saving Smokey was just the start

A few months ago, when a partner shelter asked us to help Smokey, they said three things: First, this sweet, ten-year-old German Shepherd was in terrible pain. Second, he needed extremely expensive surgery. Third, he was ready to be part of a loving family.
Knowing we had the support of friends like you, we said yes. But there were challenges ahead. Smokey needed a delicate operation on both ears and our vets hadn't yet been trained in that advanced surgery. And surgical specialists charge as much as $10,000 per ear for the procedure.
Since it's not unusual to see dogs in this condition, we needed to learn how to perform these highly-specialized TECA-BO surgeries here at HSSV. Dr. Cristie Kamiya, our Chief of Shelter Medicine, reached out to Dr. Leilani Im from San Diego Humane Society. She agreed to perform Smokey's surgery at HSSV's medical facility and train our veterinary surgeons in the procedure.
While the surgery couldn't cure Smokey's deafness, it relieved him of debilitating pain and the need for daily medication. During his recovery, his foster mom watched Smokey become a member of their family. So they made it official and now he spends his days snoozing peacefully next to his canine sibling and surrounded by love.
"Smokey's surgery embodies our strategic priorities," Dr. Kamiya explained. "His quality of life has dramatically improved, and our staff received invaluable training that will enhance our lifesaving efforts."
In fact, saving this one dog will save countless more. What makes HSSV so special – and when I say "HSSV" I include you – is that when we're focused on saving just one dog or puppy, just one cat or kitten, or even a rabbit, we're also thinking about the bigger picture.
Your support helps save an individual animal like Smokey and advances our long-term goals to save lives, keep families together, and create a better future for pets and their people. So can we count on you?
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