Tell Congress: Support Legislation to Ensure The Safe Disposal of Toxic Coal Ash.

Toxic coal ash, produced primarily from the burning of coal in coal-fired power plants or industrial boilers such as paper mills or steel mills, is filled with pollutants including arsenic, boron, cadmium, chromium, and more.
Often stored in unlined landfills or ash ponds, coal ash can leach into the water table and contaminate large swaths of drinking water within our communities.
These hazardous pollutants can cause cancer, heart disease, reproductive failure, and stroke, and can inflict lasting brain damage on children.
Right now, there is a bill in Congress, H.R. 2396, which would ensure the safe disposal of coal ash and help protect communities and our environment. But, we need your help to get this bill passed.
GCS Fibers is an innovative manufacturing company who has developed technology that will recycle toxic coal ash to produce everyday items like; paper, rubber, clothing & textile fibers, home insulations, and so much more — minimizing the industry's impact on our environment.
Coal ash storage is a monumental issue and while our technology will minimize the industry's impact on our environment, we're also calling on Congress to do everything in its power to protect communities and the environment from coal ash. Will you join us?
Urge Congress to support H.R. 2396 to ensure the safe disposal of toxic coal ash.
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