Teaching Kindness Saves Lives

At The Cactus Foundation, we believe that, with the right education during these developmental years, children can learn to embrace a value system that places kindness, stewardship, compassion, responsibility, activism and respect for the sacredness of life at the top of the list.
Freddie's story is proof that education could have changed his experience with humans.
Freddie was rescued in one of the local communities after a kind citizen intervened on a group of young children stoning him. He was full of ticks, fleas and worms and suffering from a severe skin infection. He had scabs all over his face and legs. His will to live was depleted. He was terrified and seemed resigned to expect the next lot of abuse to be unleashed on him. After a few months of receiving medical attention, nourishing food, and love from The Cactus Foundation, Freddie made a full recovery and was able to find his forever home.
Imagine a world where Freddie and animals like him aren't subjected to such cruelty, though. That is why we are looking to grow our education programs. These programs focus on children's and animal's rights, healthcare issues, understanding what abuse and cruelty is and what to do when it happens. Science has confirmed beyond question the link between cruelty to animals and violence toward humans.
It is essential that we fight hard to shine light on this issue and to ensure that all children learn their right to being treated with dignity and compassion and are able to then act with dignity and compassion towards all living beings.
Please sign and show your support for programs that teach children that all living beings deserve kindness.
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