Protect Polar Bears. Support the Polar Bear Cub Survival Act.

The Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear population is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and is federally protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
The Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has become the most important nursery ground for these polar bears, with the highest densities of suitable denning habitat in the United States. About one-third of all breeding females in the Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation give birth and raise newborn cubs under the protection provided by the Coastal Plain.
Despite the vulnerable status of these polar bears, the Administration continues to move forward with its plans for oil and gas exploration and drilling in the Coastal Plain of the Refuge. The impacts from seismic testing, drilling, and the accompanying infrastructure development would cause irreversible harm to these maternity dens.
Ask your Member of Congress to cosponsor the Polar Bear Cub Survival Act (H.R. 7876), which would safeguard the Beaufort Sea polar bear's denning habitat.
To House Members:I am writing to ask you to cosponsor the Polar Bear Cub Survival Act (H.R. 7876). Introduced by Representative Huffman, this bill would create a 1-mile buffer around identified polar bear denning habitat on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, where oil and gas activities cannot occur.
Seismic testing involved in oil and gas exploration would be highly disruptive to denning polar bears. The loud noises and intense vibrations it involves are likely to disturb the bears, potentially causing them to leave their dens prematurely, exposing cubs to extreme elements and lowering their chances of survival.
According to a study by Polar Bears International, there is also at least a one-in-four chance that seismic equipment would drive over and crush a den in the Coastal Plain of the Refuge, with potentially fatal consequences for mother polar bears and their cubs. This legislation would protect denning polar bears from these threats.
Please cosponsor the Polar Bear Cub Survival Act and send a message that the United States must do everything it can to protect the Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear population.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
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