Pet Food Pantries Keep Families Together

Pet food pantries provide peace of mind to many struggling people. No one wants their pet to go hungry. They are our loving companions and we want the best for them. Sadly, during times of struggle, people are left with few options for something as simple as feeding their beloved pet.
Did you know that financial difficulty is one of the top five reasons pets are surrendered to animal shelters? This is why pet food pantries are crucial during these trying times. Pet food pantries not only ensure that pet families have what they need to stay together, but they also prevent loved pets from entering shelters, leaving space and resources for animals with no other options.
For the first time in five years, shelter euthanasia increased in the United States and animals are sitting in these shelters longer than ever. Getting pet families through tough times not only makes them stronger and more resilient, but also helps save the lives of animals who are not as fortunate.
Many people experiencing food insecurity will make sure their pets eat before they do. This no-win situation can often hit those most vulnerable - the elderly, the homebound, or those experiencing housing insecurity. Because their pets are often their closest companions, they are put first, which means their humans are going without.
No one should be forced to choose between feeding their pet or themselves, or having to give up a beloved companion, because that is a difficult and heartbreaking decision. Though they often rely exclusively on public donations, pet food pantries are an essential social service. Please sign and tell shelters you think pet pantries are important to have in your community.
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