Hello 👋,
Montessa is a female chimpanzee at a US Government Experimental Research Centre. She has been locked up there for 45 years. She has been pregnant five times, resulting in four births.
Experiments on chimpanzees ceased there five years ago. The chimpanzees were supposed to go to a sanctuary, but Montessa and 38 other laboratory chimpanzees were deemed "too frail" to go to the sanctuary. What nonsense. Many medical experts argue that some of the euthanised chimpanzees may have been able to heal and recover.
Princess is another female primate at a research centre. Princess and 2,000 other primates are kept captive, as prisoners, at Wisconsin National Primate Research Centre. One male, known only as "r12050", was so frustrated that he mutilated his own leg right down to the muscle, picking and scratching the wound.
Enough is enough! We DEMAND that both of these facilities stop this cruelty RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Some would argue that animal research and testing is necessary for human medical progress. However, these animals are sentient beings who have equal rights! We know medical research is important, but it can, and should, be done without abusing animals! There is an idea that animal research and testing can produce misleading results due to the differences between humans and nonhuman animals, producing dangerous results and delaying human medical progress. Regardless, these animals have rights not to be experimented on! We can and should find and use alternatives to animal cruelty in research!
Some would argue that research animals are treated well. Falsehood. Almost all (if not all) exposes on laboratories that (ab)use animals by animal rights activists reveal animal cruelty, with some being absolutely horrific. Animals are caged, tortured, tormented, abused and deprived of natural and important behaviours. They are sometimes not given good enough care, and may even be experimented on without anaesthetic. We don't treat even child murderers or child rapists like this, and yet we treat animals who have done nothing wrong like this, just because they are of different species! (I don't condone unnecessary cruelty even to child murderers and child rapists, by the way).
This is horrendous. We DEMAND an end to all of this cruelty RIGHT NOW!!! We also DEMAND that Montessa, Princess, "r12050" and all of the other primates at these research centres be released to sanctuaries RIGHT NOW!!!!! We will boycott your centres until this happens! I will message WNPRC and NIH every day until all of the poor animals are released to sanctuaries and all of the animal cruelty is stopped permanently...
Thank you.