Act now. No more broken promises to protect our oceans.

Last year, governments worldwide made a historic pact to protect the largest habitat on Earth, home to millions of species—the high seas.

However, if fewer than 60 countries sign the treaty, the open ocean will remain lawless and vulnerable. Time is running out, and the threats to our oceans are multiplying. Governments must act swiftly to protect the high seas by ratifying this crucial treaty.

No more broken promises

Only once the treaty is ratified can we create new ocean sanctuaries. These need to cover 30% of the ocean by 2030 to address the climate and biodiversity crises our planet faces.

But if 60 countries do not ratify the treaty, the high seas will remain ungoverned and unprotected.

Time is running out to meet this goal as the oceans and its marine life face exploitation and other threats. Governments need to act swiftly to sign and ratify the Treaty.   

Tell your Senators to take action to bring about a sea of change for conservation of sea life.  

To whom it may concern: 

I am writing to ask that the government ratifies the new High Seas Treaty, adopted at the UN in June 2023, as a matter of urgency. While I am pleased to see many governments, including ours, have already signed the Treaty as a signal of intent, until the Treaty is actually ratified by 60 countries it cannot enter into force.

I urge US government to be one of the first and to ensure the goal of 60 ratifications is reached by the next UN Ocean Conference in June 2025.

Ensuring this Treaty becomes international law as soon as possible is an essential part of bolstering international ocean governance. It provides the framework to secure greater protection of ocean life in the high seas, including the establishment of marine protected areas in the High Seas, which is essential to achieve the global target to protect at least 30% of the ocean by 2030. The High Seas make up approximately two-thirds of the ocean, yet only 1% of it is currently protected. Conservation of marine life in the High Seas is crucial to combat both the biodiversity and climate crises.

Please show your support for High Seas marine life and ratify the Treaty immediately.  

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