Save Wildlife from Global Warming: Support the Climate Security Act

It’s so easy a raccoon can do it... Ranger Rick is reaching out to you in hope you will urge your senators to support strong global warming legislation.

But we must act now. Scientists say that in the lifetime of a child born today, 20 to 30 percent of all species could be put on a path toward extinction if global warming continues unchecked.

Early this June, a historic bipartisan bill is expected to come to a vote in the U.S. Senate. The Climate Security Act would be the biggest step ever taken to reduce global warming pollution and will meet the 2 percent annual targets through a cap and trade program.

The Act also invests dedicated resources in restoring and protecting natural resources threatened by global warming, supports investments in alternative energy and provides assistance to low-income Americans to make the transition to a clean energy future.

Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to urge you to vote YES for the Climate Security Act (S. 3036), introduced by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Sen. John Warner (R-Va.).

We need to act now to reduce the impacts of global warming pollution. In the lifetime of a child born today, temperatures could easily rise 2 to 4 degrees F, moving 20-30 percent of wild plants and animals worldwide toward extinction. It is already contributing to sea level rise, intensified storms and droughts, increased catastrophic fires, spreading pests and invasive species and a host of other ecosystem disruptions. The longer we wait the greater and more costly the impacts will be.

We have a moral responsibility to ensure the next generation is not burdened by a lower quality of life, destruction of important natural resources and a weaker economy.

The Climate Security Act helps us meet this goal: it reduces global warming pollution by 2% annually through a cap and trade program like the one that successfully reduced acid rain pollution without damaging the economy. The Climate Security Act also invests dedicated resources in restoring and protecting natural resources threatened by global warming, supports investments in alternative energy and provides assistance to low-income Americans to make the transition to a clean energy future.

The Energy Information Administration, the official economic forecaster for the Department of Energy, released a report at the end of April that said the Climate Security Act will not harm the economy, and that GNP (gross national product) would continue to grow if the legislation was enacted.

I am very pleased that a portion of these dollars will be used to help wildlife survive global warming. It is essential that these funds be used to carry out scientific research, acquire and manage habitats and take many additional steps to help wildlife survive the impacts of a changing climate.

[Your comments here]

Global warming is one of the biggest challenges both people and wildlife will face in the next century. The Climate Security Act is an important new approach to combating global warming that works for our economy and our environment.

Please vote YES for the Climate Security Act.
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